- Auto accessory
- Automobile paint
- Auto spare parts
- Mirrors
- Glass
- Headlights
- Cylinder head
Product Price Searching:
Gurtrade conducts detailed product sourcing and price analysis. It finds the best delivery shipment costs according to your destination. Gurtrade offers to find new suppliers or to contact your current suppliers in the name of your company. We list the suppliers and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. After studying all required information together, we can eliminate suppliers and prepare a visiting schedule for qualified ones. Moreover, we can help you analyze shipping costs and their timetable. We aim to find the right supplier with the right pricing for better purchasing in Turkey, China, and other worldwide markets with required standards and feasible cost analyses.
Factory Visits:
Regarding sourcing reports, Gurtrade eliminates qualified factories and visits them to understand their capabilities. Visiting factories is important for confirming the qualified suppliers, checking their production capacity and ability, understanding more about the supplier’s products, and giving the right impression to secure better prices and conditions for long-term cooperation. After visiting factories, detailed reports with supported pictures and videos will be provided to analyze the final decision together. Afterward, we can move forward to the sample requirement phase.
Order Management and Quality Control:
Order management starts with making a proper contract with the right supplier. The first step is to provide the correct product information to the supplier and then confirm it. According to the production schedule, every stage of production is checked and reported to the head office during factory visits by our professional team members. At the end of production, an inspection will be conducted to confirm whether products are produced with the required standards or not. Depending on the product type, support can also be provided by international surveillance companies if necessary. Controls and reporting of technical products are carried out by the same team.
During this process, the Gurtrade operations team controls packing quality, checks the required documents, and if necessary, updates or fixes packings, then makes the shipment.
Sea and air transportation and the delivery of your products can be handled by your company under Gurtrade’s control, or it can be directly handled by Gurtrade upon your request. Ultimately, delivery to warehouses in Turkey or other worldwide nations is provided.